read and write product information in real time


pip install linesdk

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How to use

Uploading a large amount of data using s3

generate dummy data for testing

sampleInput = {
  "message": "helloWorld",
  "roomId": 'C9ba1d024ed36979222a2a2a8f67cfc9a' ,
  "accessKey": accessKey

Create main class object

from linesdk.linesdk import Line

line = Line(accessKey = sampleInput['accessKey'] )

send message

line.send(roomId = sampleInput['roomId'] ,message = sampleInput['message'])
CPU times: user 17.3 ms, sys: 5.13 ms, total: 22.4 ms
Wall time: 352 ms


line.lambdaSend(sampleInput, _)
CPU times: user 12.8 ms, sys: 1.92 ms, total: 14.7 ms
Wall time: 409 ms

Call a deployed lambda function

lineLambda = LineLambda(USER, PW)
lineLambda.send(message='hello', roomId = sampleInput['roomId'])

Invoke slack