checking dictionaries based on json schema

Get schema from path


getSchemaPath(schemaUrl:str, path:str='/', isYaml=True)

get a nested schema from path

schemaUrl: str: url of the schema

path: str: path of the schema, if root then path='/'

isYaml: Bool: is the schema yaml (false indicates that the schema is json), default = True

testSchema = ''
path = 'components/schemas/Location'
getSchemaPath(testSchema, path)
{'type': 'object',
 'required': ['id',
 'properties': {'id': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'uuid'},
  'type': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['pick up', 'drop off', 'overnight']},
  'street_address': {'type': 'string'},
  'city': {'type': 'string'},
  'state': {'type': 'string',
  'zip': {'type': 'string', 'pattern': '(^\\d{5}$)|(^\\d{5}-\\d{4}$)'},
  'status': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['open', 'in use']},
  'created': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'},
  'modified': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'}}}

Validate Url


validateUrl(url, input_, format_='json', headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}, path='/')

verifies whether the input_ is valid under the schema located at path in the url

url: str: url where the schema file is located

input_: the input to be validated

format_: str: the format of the schema; can be 'yaml' or 'json', default = 'json'

headers: dict: dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the get request to retrieve the schema

path: str: path of the schema within the file, if root then path='/'

test json

url = ''
input_ = {'iprcode': 4, 'cprcode': 123 , 'oprCode': '123'}
validateUrl(url, input_)
namespace(cprcode=123, iprcode=4, oprCode='123')

error json

errorProduct = [{ 'cprcode': '0171670', 'iprcode': '0171670', 'oprcode': '0171670', 'ordertype': 'Y', 'pr_abb': 'JIRAPAT YOUNG KALE 2', 'pr_active': 'Y', 'pr_cgcode': '05', 'pr_code': '0171670', 'pr_dpcode': '19', 'pr_engname': 'JIRAAT YOUNG KALE 200 G.', 'pr_ggcode': '057', 'pr_market': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.', 'pr_name': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.', 'pr_puqty': '1', 'pr_sa_method': '1', 'pr_sucode1': 'CM845', 'pr_suref3': 'A', 'prtype': 'I', 'psqty': '1', 'pstype': '1'}] #ProductDatabase.valueUpdate({'items':sampleProducts})
url = ''
  validateUrl(url, errorProduct)
except Exception as e:
[{'cprcode': '0171670', 'iprcode': '0171670', 'oprcode': '0171670', 'ordertype': 'Y', 'pr_abb': 'JIRAPAT YOUNG KALE 2', 'pr_active': 'Y', 'pr_cgcode': '05', 'pr_code': '0171670', 'pr_dpcode': '19', 'pr_engname': 'JIRAAT YOUNG KALE 200 G.', 'pr_ggcode': '057', 'pr_market': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.', 'pr_name': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.', 'pr_puqty': '1', 'pr_sa_method': '1', 'pr_sucode1': 'CM845', 'pr_suref3': 'A', 'prtype': 'I', 'psqty': '1', 'pstype': '1'}] is not of type 'object'

Failed validating 'type' in schema:
    {'$schema': '',
     'definitions': {'Product': {'description': 'Product(iprcode: int, '
                                                'cprcode: int)',
                                 'properties': {'cprcode': {'type': 'integer'},
                                                'iprcode': {'type': 'integer'}},
                                 'required': ['iprcode', 'cprcode'],
                                 'type': 'object'}},
     'description': 'ValueUpdate(items: List[__main__.Product])',
     'properties': {'items': {'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/Product'},
                              'type': 'array'}},
     'required': ['items'],
     'type': 'object'}

On instance:
    [{'cprcode': '0171670',
      'iprcode': '0171670',
      'oprcode': '0171670',
      'ordertype': 'Y',
      'pr_abb': 'JIRAPAT YOUNG KALE 2',
      'pr_active': 'Y',
      'pr_cgcode': '05',
      'pr_code': '0171670',
      'pr_dpcode': '19',
      'pr_engname': 'JIRAAT YOUNG KALE 200 G.',
      'pr_ggcode': '057',
      'pr_market': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.',
      'pr_name': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.',
      'pr_puqty': '1',
      'pr_sa_method': '1',
      'pr_sucode1': 'CM845',
      'pr_suref3': 'A',
      'prtype': 'I',
      'psqty': '1',
      'pstype': '1'}]

test yaml

url = ''
input_ = {'iprcode': 4, 'cprcode': 123 , 'oprCode': '123'}
print(validateUrl(url, input_, format_='yaml'))
namespace(cprcode=123, iprcode=4, oprCode='123')

error yaml

  print(validateUrl(url, errorProduct, format_='yaml'))
except Exception as e:
[{'cprcode': '0171670', 'iprcode': '0171670', 'oprcode': '0171670', 'ordertype': 'Y', 'pr_abb': 'JIRAPAT YOUNG KALE 2', 'pr_active': 'Y', 'pr_cgcode': '05', 'pr_code': '0171670', 'pr_dpcode': '19', 'pr_engname': 'JIRAAT YOUNG KALE 200 G.', 'pr_ggcode': '057', 'pr_market': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.', 'pr_name': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.', 'pr_puqty': '1', 'pr_sa_method': '1', 'pr_sucode1': 'CM845', 'pr_suref3': 'A', 'prtype': 'I', 'psqty': '1', 'pstype': '1'}] is not of type 'object'

Failed validating 'type' in schema:
    {'$schema': '',
     'properties': {'cprcode': {'type': 'integer'},
                    'iprcode': {'type': 'integer'},
                    'oprCode': {'type': 'string'}},
     'required': ['cprcode', 'iprcode', 'oprCode'],
     'type': 'object'}

On instance:
    [{'cprcode': '0171670',
      'iprcode': '0171670',
      'oprcode': '0171670',
      'ordertype': 'Y',
      'pr_abb': 'JIRAPAT YOUNG KALE 2',
      'pr_active': 'Y',
      'pr_cgcode': '05',
      'pr_code': '0171670',
      'pr_dpcode': '19',
      'pr_engname': 'JIRAAT YOUNG KALE 200 G.',
      'pr_ggcode': '057',
      'pr_market': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.',
      'pr_name': 'JIRAPAT ยอดคะน้า 200 G.',
      'pr_puqty': '1',
      'pr_sa_method': '1',
      'pr_sucode1': 'CM845',
      'pr_suref3': 'A',
      'prtype': 'I',
      'psqty': '1',
      'pstype': '1'}]

convert type to comply with json schema


getTypes(schemaUrl:str, typeMap:dict={'string': <class 'str'>, 'number': <class 'float'>, 'integer': <class 'int'>, 'object': <class 'dict'>, 'array': <class 'list'>, 'boolean': <class 'bool'>, 'null': None})

get python types from json schema

schemaUrl: str: url where the schema file is located

typeMap: dict: the dictionary that matches the key to its corresponding data type

url = ''
{'iprcode': int,
 'brcode': int,
 'ib_cf_qty': int,
 'new_ib_vs_stock_cv': int,
 'onlineflag': bool}


typeMapJsonSchema(url:str, input_:dict={}, typeMap:dict={'string': <class 'str'>, 'number': <class 'float'>, 'integer': <class 'int'>, 'object': <class 'dict'>, 'array': <class 'list'>, 'boolean': <class 'bool'>, 'null': None}, defaultType=str)

try to map the datatype into the one specified in url of json schema.

if type is not found, the defaultType is used

url: str where the schema file is located

typeMap: dict: the dictionary that matches the key to its corresponding data type

defaultType: set the default type if a type is not specified

url = ''
inv = {
                  'iprcode': '0000009',
                  'brcode': '1000',
                  'ib_cf_qty': '50',
                  'new_ib_vs_stock_cv': '27',
                  'onlineflag': True
typeMapJsonSchema(url, input_=inv)
typesDict is: {'iprcode': <class 'int'>, 'brcode': <class 'int'>, 'ib_cf_qty': <class 'int'>, 'new_ib_vs_stock_cv': <class 'int'>, 'onlineflag': <class 'bool'>}
{'iprcode': 9,
 'brcode': 1000,
 'ib_cf_qty': 50,
 'new_ib_vs_stock_cv': 27,
 'onlineflag': True}
typeMapJsonSchema(url, input_=inv)
typesDict is: {'iprcode': <class 'int'>, 'brcode': <class 'int'>, 'ib_cf_qty': <class 'int'>, 'new_ib_vs_stock_cv': <class 'int'>, 'onlineflag': <class 'bool'>}
{'iprcode': 9,
 'brcode': 1000,
 'ib_cf_qty': 50,
 'new_ib_vs_stock_cv': 27,
 'onlineflag': True}

experimental code